It seemed like it should be a great Main Street, but the whole belies the promise of the pieces. In that state of confusion, I passed a calm-looking young man, standing with a blue paper. He did not hawk it or intrude: his pose was the offering. But of what? Curious, I approached him to ask. Brother Brian Lee Griffin, chief assistant to Minister Lawrance Lee Evans,Sr., offered me a copy of "Doology Notes in Case Management," aka "Black Coptic Press Release." He explained upcoming cultural events that I might like to attend. "Doology" was invented in Rochester by Minister Lawrance, and it teaches that positive action is valued more than just complaining. Brother Griffin, by adding to the coherence of Main Street, was certainly practicing doology.
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Brother Brian Lee Griffin on Main Street. |
Dear Mindy Fullilove, thanks for the beautiful portrait and well written article about Rochester's historic Mainstreet. I hope that you enjoyed your visit as well as the Black Koptic Press Release Newsletter and Doology. Hope to stay in contact. Peace and Blessings to you.
Dear Mindy Fullilove my gratitude to the portrait and article about Rochester's historical Mainstreet. I hope that your visit went well and you enjoyed the information in the Black Koptic Press Release Newsletter. Once again thank you and have a blessed and peaceful day. Hope to stay in contact
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