In the opinion piece, Ferguson wrote,
Today, the NYC Parks Department put on a festival to celebrate the reopening of the High Bridge. Thousands of people turned out to walk the bridge and see the sights. While there were small tables of organizations that have been part of the reopening, it was not a commercial event or a "health fair" or anything other than making a Main Street that ran from Amsterdam Avenue across the Harlem River to Sedgwick Avenue in the Bronx. It is Pop-UP Main Street, as all good festivals are. Our CLIMB contingent sashayed across the bridge with two enormous giraffe heads made by Tony Gonzalez and the artists of Creative Art Works. The little children were struck with wonder, and the adults grinned -- they couldn't help themselves. It was exactly what Mayor Ferguson was describing, only on a Pop-UP, not a quotidian Main Street. It works. We should try it.
There are untold benefits to unlocking the potential of public spaces and putting high streets back at the heart of the community. A strong shared identity, greater civic pride and a sense that our retail centres can be much more than just temples of commerce, providing a sense of place and community is the reward for an imaginative approach that will lead to a real social recovery.