Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Tao of K-drama: Kudos to the Flower Crew

I watched Flower Crew: Joseon Marriage Agency with pleasure, and then I had a question so I watched it again, fast-forwarding through the parts I didn’t like and deemed irrelevant to my question. My question was this: in episode 12, our hero Ma Hun says that the love triangle he and Gaettong are in is his fault. But why? He explains in a series of confessions, widely spaced, that he should never have given her the original marriage proposal letter. But it was his first time being in love and he thought it wouldn’t matter! The delivery of the letter is in episode one — was this love at first sight? There is a second scene in which parts of their first meeting are replayed, so that seemed possible and yet not. Ma Hun is an incredibly astute person—how did he miss his own feelings? This was part of my confusion. 

I think K-drama’s form is stunning for showing the development of a relationship. No question, Ma Hun falls for Gaettong from the beginning. He treats her with gruffness at first, in an effort to mask his feelings. He clearly fools himself, but his friends see what’s happening. And they help him — he is profoundly solicitous of her well-being and they alert him to her needs. Gaettong is hardy but faced with hardship and enemies. Not one to ask for help, she tries to soldier on. His kindness takes her breath away, and quickly wins her heart. Their friendship takes center stage in the drama, becoming a partnership of power. There are lots of hurdles — her ex wants her back and he’s the king, his father wants the throne and would kill anyone to get it — but these lovers are lucky, smiled on by fortune. 

At the end of this research re-watch, I feel like I know the story, and understand Ma Hun’s love for Gaettong and hers for him. His love I would locate in his astute reading of her character as written in her face and his delight in her eccentric position in his rule-bound society. Her love is called forth by his constant solicitude, a concern she has never experienced before. Now, her ex also adores her so why didn’t he make the cut? Perhaps it’s as simple as the ex is a blacksmith, Ma Hun is a courtier. Gaettong never expected to have more in her life than hard work, but she is transported into a world in which she is prized above material goods. Her joy grows, her soul expands. She can’t fit in the old relationship and has to move on. She confesses first, taking a classic poem and rewriting the final line to express her feeling. Ma Hun is done, the blacksmith finished. 

Great show — thanks, Flower Crew! 

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Main Street: What is science?

The Trump administration has ordered scientists at the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, one of the nation's premier science institutions, to scrub their website and publications of "forbidden words." This editorial from the British Medical Journal affirms the nature of science and scientific publications. 

Medical journal editors must resist CDC order and anti-gender ideology
BMJ 2025;388:r253 doi: (Published 04 February 2025)
  1. Jocalyn Clark, international editor,
  2. Kamran Abbasi, editor in chief
The news that on 31 January 2025 the Trump administration instructed scientists employed by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to withdraw or retract articles from medical and science journals is sinister and ludicrous. The instruction, from Sam Posner, the CDC’s associate director for science, said that the order was for publications that included “forbidden terms” such as gender, transgender, LGBT, or transsexual, and applies to submissions that have not been accepted yet and accepted papers that have not yet been published.12
This move is part of the Trump government’s attempt to purge mentions of “gender.” The instruction follows days of vanishing CDC websites and datasets related to a range of vital health topics including immunisation, race or ethnic diversity, contraception, sexually transmitted infections and HIV treatment, and sexual and reproductive healthcare.3 It is unclear if and when these webpages and datasets will be restored, but if they do reappear, they will likely be sanitised. Clinicians, researchers, and patients will be harmed by the muzzling and removal of critical health information and data. Sex and gender data are highly relevant and essential for understanding differences in populations and among individuals—in their health experiences, treatment response, and outcomes.4
The email to CDC scientists contained a script for employees to use when contacting journals that reads: “Consistent with the President’s Executive Order titled Defending Women from Gender Ideology Extremism and Restoring Biological Truth to the Federal Government, I am removing myself as a coauthor from this submission.”1 If all authors were CDC scientists, they were instructed to “retract” submitted articles before publication.1
This is not how it works. Medically relevant terminology and inclusive language follow evidence based reporting standards or are matters of individual journal style and policy. They do not follow political orders. Similarly, co-authors cannot simply scrub themselves from articles. Authorship gives credit and accountability for the work, and an article’s list of authors does not ghost contributors. If authors wish to withdraw submissions under review at a journal, this process is feasible should all of their co-authors agree. However, if somebody who merits inclusion in the authorship group of an article requests to be removed, even with the approval of the co-authors, this is a breach of publication ethics.
Authors are entitled to withdraw a paper from consideration at any point before publication in a journal, but those data should still be published and not censored. Guidelines exist for reporting on sex and gender, and these best practices are adhered to by researchers and journals.4
Medical journals, including The BMJ, do not retract published articles on demand. We will not retract published articles on request by an author on the basis that they contain so-called banned words. Retraction occurs in circumstances where clear evidence exists of major errors, data fabrication, or falsification that compromise the reliability of the research findings.5 It is not a matter of author request.
Publication ethics and professional standards define the work of medical journals, editors, and researchers. These are safeguards of best scientific practice and integrity—and will not yield to bad practice like gag orders, suppression, and authoritarian whims.
It is absurd that the scientific record be treated with such disregard. It is egregious that a country’s public health agency, or any government authority, should demand the erasure of any terminology, particularly medically relevant terminology. This amounts to the censorship of scientists, breach of rights to free expression, dehumanisation of LGBT individuals, and indifference for the American taxpayers and human beings worldwide who support CDC’s research and have a right to expect that the findings are shared.
Make no mistake—this instruction is not about defending women or women’s rights, as the Trump Executive Order implies. It is part of a broader complicity of this US government and other political and religious conservatives with anti-gender ideology that seeks a return to fundamentalist values. Exceptionally well funded, well connected, and growing globally, the anti-gender movement actively opposes pro-equity efforts,67 threatening women’s sexual and reproductive rights, LGBT rights, and gender equality—and thus health—worldwide. Gender is being dangerously weaponised. Like Trump’s censorship of CDC scientists, journals and editors must resist this too.
The US was considered a world leader in public health and research. With one repressive stroke that reputation risks being shattered and broken. If anything is forbidden now, it is that medical and science journals, whose duty is to stand for integrity and equity, should bow to political or ideological censorship.
  • Competing interests: None declared.
  • Provenance and peer review: commissioned, not externally peer reviewed.
Mandavilli A. CDC scientists ordered to withdraw studies that use terms such as LGBT or pregnant people. NY Times. 1 Feb 2025.
  1. Faust J
. CDC researchers ordered to retract papers submitted to all journals.
Frieden J. CDC purging its website after Trump orders.
  1. SAGER guidelines
COPE Council. COPE guidelines. Retraction Guidelines. 2 November 2019.
  1. Saini A
. Confronting the anti-gender movement. Lancet2024;403:1128. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(24)00540-3. pmid:38522440
  1. Datta N
. Tip of the iceberg: religious extremist funders against human rights for sexuality and reproductive health in Europe 2009-2018. Brussels, 2021.

Monday, February 3, 2025

Tao of K-drama: An Alien in Our Midst

The 2013 K-drama My Love from the Star is a story about an alien who is trapped on Earth in 1609 and waits 400 years for the next flight home. The alien doesn't age and has abilities far above those of an average human being. He has to be careful to hide himself, going to great lengths to disappear at regular intervals and come back as a different person. He pays a price for this -- he explains at one point that he served in the army 47 times. And he stays at a distance from people and things, reasoning that if he would be sad not to be able to take it with him, he shouldn't have. All of this is well and good until he meets his match, the over-the-top actress, Chun Song-yi just three months before his ship is to come in. 

He is living under the name Doh Min-jun (somewhat like Winnie-the-Pooh living under the name of Sanders). He is cultured, serene and withdrawn. She is loud, incessantly active, remarkably ignorant and prone to make silly errors of all kinds. Yet nearly as soon as he meets her, he "wants to have her." He helps her out of all manner of scrapes and she comes to rely on and love him. He is supposed to leave on the ship and fears that he doesn't leave, he will die. But more important than preserving his anonymity or his life is his wish to protect the one he loves. 

This show is a comedy, but has a dark underbelly of a serial killer on the loose, and edging towards Chun Song-yi. As it turns out, Doh Min-jun can only protect her by revealing himself. When she is in danger, despite the crowd of reporters watching and recording everything, he scoops her up and teleports her to a safe place. 

And this is where the show gets interesting: we don't have the ET scenario of trying to outrun NASA or some other alien hunters. People are interested, but the show ignores that and keeps its focus on the manner in which Doh Min-jun faces his other problem, that of dying if he doesn't get on the ship. 

At this moment of hysteria about "aliens" invading the United States, I find the calm of My Love from the Star refreshing and somehow plausible. As K-dramas often do, the show raises the "Why not?" 

The show focuses instead on the point that, in the presence of Love, the cool, detached spaceman violated the rules that had protected him for 400 years. It is a moment from the song, "In my world only you/make me do for love what I would not do."

This is worth pondering -- that LOVE is the most powerful force, and worth our attention more than our fears are. 

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

The Rough Rock Project: Standing in the Face of Love

I'm several days past cataract surgery and stunned by the world. For one thing, I had no idea I had so many wrinkles and for another that my Lazyboy chair had blue threads through the gray. I am patting everything in the simple wonder of color. I knew I couldn't see, but I didn't know I'd lost color. 

And of course I can see the subtitles and watch K-drama again. Following the tension of Dr. Romantic 1, 2 and 3, I needed something tender, and stumbled on Would you like a cup of coffee? It is the encounter of a young man (the Grasshopper) with the art of coffee, carefully guided by a Sensei who also instructs him in acceptance of other people. Profound. At the end of the show, as the post-Covid economic recession is forcing the closure of Edae Coffee, an older woman reminds them all, "This, too, shall pass." Wonderful thought for our times. 

But I really wanted to re-watch Business Proposal, both because it was silly and because it starred Ayn Hyo-seop, who was such a compelling force in Dr. Romantic's seasons 2 and 3. It was so slapstick and silly I got the idea that there wouldn't be a compelling lesson, which would run counter to all my theories about K-drama. But I was wrong -- it had a truly profound lesson about standing in the face of love. 

Ayn Hyo-seop's character, Kang Tae-moo, had a childhood trauma -- his parents were killed in a car crash during a rain storm. His PTSD was triggered by the rain. His girlfriend, Shin Ha-ri, played by Kim Sejong, sees the PTSD and learns about the trauma. They are on a date and a terrible rain starts. She immediately covers them with a brilliant yellow umbrella. Then she says, "I have something I always wanted to do on a rainy-day date with a boyfriend, if I ever had a boyfriend." That line is very disarming, I think, because it calls attention to her difficulties. Then she takes him into the subway and to a subway flower market and to eat jeon, which she says is great for that weather. By the time the rain has stopped and they are walking down the street, he has had an emotional breakthrough. He asks her, "How long have you known? I wanted to tell you but I didn't want to look pathetic in front of the woman I love." 

Father Richard Rohr compared such healings to the exorcisms performed by Jesus:

In that sense, I’ve personally known a lot of possessed people. It’s no surprise that Jesus exorcised so many demons from people who seemed to carry the negative projections of the surrounding crowd (Luke 9:37–43), synagogue worshippers (Mark 1:21–27; Luke 13:10–17), or the Gerasene residents (Mark 5:1–20; Luke 8:26–39). The ancients were not as naive as we might think. In these stories, we see exactly what the internalization of negative judgment means. Such people do need healing, even a major “exorcism”! While we tend to send them to therapists instead of holy people, in general, the only cure for negative possession is a positive repossession! Jesus is always “repossessing” people—for themselves and for God.  

When a good therapist, a wise and holy (meaning whole or healed) person, or a totally accepting friend becomes our chosen mirror, we are, in fact, being healed! I hope it doesn’t sound too presumptuous, but I think I have exorcised a good number of people in my life—primarily because they had the trust and the humility to let me mirror them positively and replace the old mirror of their abusive dad, their toxic church, or their racist neighborhood. That’s why Jesus says, “Your faith has saved you” (Luke 7:50). I am just saying the same.

Shin Ha-ri is the totally accepting friend who mirrors acceptance to Kang Tae-moo, exorcising the demon of negative judgement that was keeping him from having peace. His faith in her permits him to give himself to her care on the rainy-day date. His faith saves him.

In this time, T@ and the US government have unleashed "shock and awe" on the nation and the world, and fear is everywhere. When people call or visit with me, I know -- because of this learning -- that my job is to mirror acceptance of the times and commitment to reaffirm the dignity of all living beings. 

May it be so. 

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

The Rough Rock Project: Love and Truth

I had cataract surgery today (first of two) and watching K-drama was impossible. Netflix only offers Korean dramas, which makes sense because that's all I watch. But with a bandage over one eye that is too big to allow me to wear my glasses, I can't read the sbtitles. I needed a movie in English, something I didn't really need to see and certainly didn't need to read. I went to "search" and Netflix offered The Guernsey Literary and Potto Peel Pie Society, a great favorite of mine. It seemed perfect. 

the thought was not in my mind that GLPPS would offer insights into the Rough Rock Project -- RRP. I don't even know what the RRP is. This is the true definition of "beginner's mind," that state the Buddhist's suggest we should always hold on to, this state of not knowing. I was describing the effort to understand the reapir of society when we faced the terrorist attack on the Twin Towers in 2001. The core of it was that we -- Jen,Lourdes and I -- didn't know what it was, so we asked everyone we knew, we batted ideas around, we read. And we worked from points that we could establish -- truths, if that is not too radical a term in the age of T2, aka 47. One of the truths was the organizations are the mesh of cities -- might we be able to ask organizations of al kinds to integrate social and emotional caretaking in to the work that they were going to do anyway? Not new work, but slightly reconceptualized work, like a Christmas Party, that included a healing element or a grocery sale that emphasized vegetables over comfort food. Things like that.

In the case of the Rough Rock Project -- RPP -- it occurred to me that GLPPS was showing me how people got through a very hard time, and how they regrouped in the aftermath of that. It was like waking up and realizing I was in the middle of technical lecture on recovery and restoration and I was supposed to be taking notes. 

The alarm bell was the line, "Elizabeth knew that we really needed was connection."


If divide and conquer is the core process of American governance, then connection is constantly, always the antidote. What we really need is connection. It starts, I think, at the level of daily life. I was floored. y this beautiful quote from Mirabai Starr that appeared in Father Richard Rohr's Daily Meditation:

One of the things it means to be an ordinary mystic is to bow at the feet of your everyday existence, with its disappointments and dramas, its peaceful mornings and luminous nights, and to honor yourself just as you are…. A mystic finds the magic in the midst of the nitty-gritty, the crusty spaghetti sauce pot in the sink and the crocus poking out of a spring snowfall, the unsigned divorce papers on the kitchen table and the results of your latest blood work on your computer screen. 

If I connect with my own everyday, then I can connect with other people's everyday. A friend asked me if I had decided on near or far lenses. I had forgotten that was a defining characteristic of what was to be in my eye from now on. So I called her after the surgery to say "near" and she said "of course," Because I have to read so many things, like subtitles, food labels, The New York Times. The miracle of my own everyday was pretty miraculous today and I needed to say to someone else that it was so. 

Connections grow, as we know, because things spiral, mushroom, blossom, expand. And that would be a ghood yellow line in the Connections game. 

And so, as T@ swirls around us, it is essential to find the wonderful in the day and tell it to somone else. It may seem silly and small, but it's potential for getting us through in the best possible shape is much greater that chagging off in desperate little groups to fight every little thing -- T@ can cause chaos much faster than we can fix and the real target of the chaos is our connection. So let us protect that, restore that, honor that, dedicate ourselves to that. 

That is my first conribution to the Rough Rock Project, as a result of my interesting day. 

ps. I can't see well enought to fix the typos. I might just leave them as part of the story of today, January 22, 2025. 

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Tao of K-drama: The Rough Rock Project

In Season 3 of Dr. Romantic, teacher/philosopher Dr. Kim Sabu, speaking as images of disaster scroll past, says: 

Abnormal climate, natural disasters, the climate is rapidly changing for the worse, forest fires, earthquakes, and wars. Many unexpected incidents, accidents, and man-made disasters. We will be engulfed in these suddenly and without warning. At this point the world has become a place where, no matter what happens, we wouldn't find it surprising. Now, we have to prepare for that kind of world. Our Rough Rock Project will become the cornerstone for that. 

During the season, various people pause to look at notebooks labeled "Rough Rock Project," but it is a loose thread that is never tied up -- maybe something that will be taken up in Season 4, should we be so lucky. I found the proposition irresistible -- that our work is to prepare for a world in which nothing, however outlandish and horrifying, would surprise us. 

Whether we are surprised or not, we will have to name the things that are happening. Listening with friends and family to Donald Trump's inaugural address today, we heard a long series of policies he plans to implement that run counter to the kinds of acts that would prepare us to meet the unexpected. Perhaps chief among them was his pledge to "Drill, baby, drill." 

As one colleague remarked, that is running towards Death -- Sigmund Freud noted that EROS and THANATOS form a major dialectic in human life. This offers a useful frame for the emphasis on LOVE offered by the clergy gathered with Bishop William Barber to respond to the inaugural address. 

Teacher/philosopher Dr, Kim represents passionate and uncompromising love for his patients, colleagues, hospital and community. He is completely committed to the fight against death -- he is ready to operate on a woman with dementia, and cries when she says she just wants to sleep. He demands this level of commitment from his team, as well. Older surgeons from Seoul are terrified by what they see as his recklessness. Their practice is to avoid malpractice charges by walking away when patients have little chance of survival. 

Dr. Kim doesn't see it that way: he wants to take the risk, because the patient might live, and he is dedicated to that. This commitment is what brings him to the new Rough Rock Project, as the path to survival will be made complicated by the unexpected. Just as the trauma center, founded on sound study of surgical and emergency procedure, is the outcome of the Cornered Stone Project, some new way of organizing and thinking will be the outcome of the new project. I am with Alathe, the Dramabeans recapper, who wrote:

But highs and lows aside, I still get shivers down my spine when our doctors race to the OR in determined slowmo! And so, against all better judgement, I’m invoking the jinx. It sure is quiet here without a Season 4, huh? (Somewhere, perhaps, a distant studio executive’s phone rings…)

I do hope there's a Season 4, which lays out the Rough Rock Project.

But I don't think that lets me or any of us off the hook -- Dr. Kim is talking about the world in which we live -- all of us. And therefore, the Rough Rock Project has plenty of room for us to join. How is Rough Rock different from Cornered Stone? What tools are the tools for worldwide levels of destruction and upheaval beyond any we've ever seen? These are open questions, left for all of us to take to heart and to our offices so we can do the work -- the work of being on the side of LOVE and LIFE for all. 

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Tao of K-drama: The Cornered Stone

In Season 2 of Dr. Romantic, one of the young doctors, Seo Woo-jin, pushes teacher Kim Sabu. He knows something is wrong with Dr. Kim. Dr. Kim loves this young man and accepts his rather desperate need to know. But, of course, he is Kim Sabu, so he shoves armsful of notebooks filled with journal articles at Seo Woo-jin. "You can ask one question," Dr. Kim barks. 

Seo Woo-jin wonders what he's going to do -- all the notebooks are named "The Cornered Stone Project." Does he have to read every article in every book? Fortunately, by this time in his work in Doldam Hospital, he has connected with three others, and together they start to work on the problem. One points out that the notebooks have different annotations, "GS" for General Surgery, "CS" for Cardiovascular Surgery, etc. "Dr. Kim said it didn't involve surgery, so we can eliminate those," the colleague suggests. This boils it down to one notebook -- Neurology -- and it is almost immediately obvious what Dr. Kim's diagnosis is -- I'm so indoctrinated in HIPPA that I feel like I can't say it here. But Seo Woo-jin goes back to Dr. Kim and shares what he's found, which is, indeed correct. 

We also learn what "The Cornered Stone Project" is -- it is the effort of the hospital to reflect on every case, learning from experience what succeeded and what might be done better. Throughout the series Dr. Kim has "known" things that others didn't -- he says it's not intuition, it's unceasing study. Young Dr. Seo is invited to join the project, helping the hospital perfect its ability to serve. 

I don't know anything about Go, called "Baduk" in Korea, but I have seen baduk played in a number of K-dramas. I know that a "cornered stone" is one that is surrounded by the opposition. In Captivating the King, the fate of a Cornered Stone is a point of contention between the King and his gidaeryeong, Kang Mong-woo. The position of gidaeryeong is that of personal baduk opponent for the king. While the King is willing to sacrifice the cornered stone, Kang Mong-woo says that the cornered stone can always be saved, if you pay attention, and that this is the surer road to victory. 

I feel deep kinship with Dr. Kim in this -- we are all cornered stones at this moment, and finding solutions requires unceasing study and practice, a constant iterative search for what can work. As a psychiatrist, I have been engaged in similar work, watching the constantly changing landscape of poor and working class communities, and searching for interventions that can stabilize us. While the threats I've been watching over the years yield pride of place to climate change, the scale of terror and inertia grow. Can we find a way to get people to give up carbon? I don't know, but I know that my colleagues and I will continue our own "cornered stone project" in a search for answers.